
Modelo plus size ‘tira a roupa’ em metrô e protesta contra a gordofobia

Britânica ativista ficou apenas de trajes íntimos em vagão de Nova York

Ela é modelo plus size e faz protestos contra a gordofobia.

? if u follow me u already know I just want u to believe there is no such thing as perfect. I used to see photoshopped images and think well if they think I’m more beautiful with no lil rolls, cellulite or my thread veins then those are flaws, and I shouldn’t have them. WTFFFFFF??? there’s nothing wrong with any of those things…I refuse to airbrush my own body on social media cus I know my beauty is more than skin deep – that my worth and value isn’t based on how “perfect” I am. This body makes me proud because it’s healthy and all mine that it allows me to do so much. I’ve been a model for 13years and I’m grateful I have all of you to connect w & create images I’m proud of cus they are real / not retouched. Thank you bbygirl @blessedpixels for shootin me in my new @aerie shizzle ? #Iskralawrence #everyBODYisbeautiful #AerieReal

Uma foto publicada por Iskra lawrence?✨ (@iskra) em

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