
Mulher muda de vida e surpreende amigos ao perder 140 quilos sem cirurgia

Ela foi desafiada por uma amiga a ficar um mês sem comer doces e nunca mais voltou

Nem mesmo a própria Lexi Reed acreditava que era capaz de cumprir uma promessa tão difícil quanto a que fez no Ano Novo de 2016.

Pesando 216 quilos, a norte-americana era comedora compulsiva de fast food e refrigerantes. Numa brincadeira, ela foi desafiada por uma amiga a ficar um mês sem comer doces e comidas gordurosas.

Ela fez a promessa e para sua própria surpresa, ela cumpriu até mais do que isso! Lexi ficou 2 anos sem ingerir aquele tipo de alimentos.

A transformação na rotina alimentar mudou completamente sua vida e, consequentemente, sua forma física.

Com a ajuda de exercícios físicos, a jovem perdeu 140 quilos sem nunca ter recorrido a nenhum tipo de cirurgia emagrecedora.

“Eu consumia cerca de 7 mil calorias diariamente e o meu dia girava em torno de comida. Percebi que ginástica era melhor terapia do que comer. Agora eu como para viver e não vivo para comer”, contou ela em entrevista.

Atualmente, Lexi está com 76 quilos e sua próxima meta é remover o excesso de pele. Veja algumas fotos:

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Eat to live, dont live to eat. ❤ Real talk – I've never posted the photo on the left. It honestly hurts me to look at because I know that food was controlling me. All of my actions and emotions revolved around it and I wondered if I'd ever break free from my prison. I remember my first bad day of my journey and calling my husband crying. All I wanted to do after a stressful day of work was go get fast food. It was always my crutch and there for any of my emotions. He assured me that I needed to just come home and it wasnt worth it. So, I hung up on him and went home angry to not indulge the way I had for so long. He ended up convincing me to go to the gym and I turned up my angry music while sweating it out. After I felt so much better and happier. I realized that night the feeling lasted way longer than my fast food would have and how mental weight loss truly way. I promised myself that day to try and be more positive so food didnt control me anymore. Change your mind, change your life! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fit #fitfam #fedupfam #dietbet #fitfam #fedupfam #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fattofit #obesetobeast #gym #exercise #workout #extremeweightloss #plussize #torrid #lanebryant #losingweight #countingcalories #anytimefitness #weightlosstransformation

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#facetofacefriday I remember being 485lbs and praying for the things I have now. I remember feeling like I was an outcast as people called me names, stared, or laughed at me. I remember getting turned away on rollercoasters on one of my first dates with my husband in front of a crowd. I remember struggling while hiding in the bathroom to put my shoes on at a bowling alley so my friends wouldn't know & the first time I cried asking Danny to help me tie my shoes. I remember not fitting in booths, breaking office chairs, and constantly thinking about weight limits. I remember hating shopping and the countless times I busted the zipper or the inside seam of my jeans from my legs rubbing together. I remember, and I never want to forget. I want you to know that I've been in your shoes and felt stuck. I want you to remember those hard times and let them light a fire. I did it and you can too. Start today! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fit #fitfam #fedupfam #dietbet #fitfam #fedupfam #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fattofit #obesetobeast #gym #exercise #workout #extremeweightloss #plussize #torrid #lanebryant #losingweight #countingcalories #anytimefitness #weightlosstransformation

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#throwbackthursday to the couple who lost 407lbs together since 2016 and grew stronger. To the couple that celebrate in less than two weeks 3 years ago making the vows to have and to hold, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part & meant every single word. Those vows had no size limit and are stronger than ever. @discoveringdanny never asked me to change and made me feel beautiful at 485lbs the same way he does now that i've lost over 300lbs. He saw my heart, not my size. He knew I was capable of anything I put my mind too and was always my biggest supporter. At only 16 years old, I fell in love with him the first time we met at a coffee shop, and he has made me who I am today. Every single day of my journey he been right there for the blood, sweat, and tears. You deserve someone who loves you no matter your size and supports your goals. Grow together, never apart. This journey is hard enough without a support system. Surround yourself with those who lift you higher & see the greatness in you even when you dont see it yourself! #obesetobeast #dietbet #fatgirlfedup #fedup #sweat #wedding #goals #weightloss #gym #weightlossjourney #diet #extremeweightloss #swolemate #fitcouple #instafit #weightloss #countingcalories #progress #plussize #weddingdress #effyourbeautystands #weightlosstransformation #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fattofit

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The thing about fear is once you own it, it can't control you anymore. Yesterday I was terrified to post my skin reality. Today I'm less terrified, but more proud of myself. Today I was scared as I set up my first skin surgery appointment (WHICH WENT AMAZINGLY WELL BTW) and sent over my skin photos. All out of my comfort zone but all necessary for my health. There's no date yet, but it's coming and I'm working on mentally preparing myself. I'm scared to go under the knife, but more scared of the damage I'm doing to my body. So, feel the fear and do it anyways. #goals #motivation #fit #fitfam #obesetobeast #weightloss #weightlossjourney #motivation #fattofit  #dietbet #diet #plussize #fitspo  #excessskin #fitness #gym #anytimefitness #fitspo #losingweight #fedupfam #weightlosstransformation #transform #gymlife #fitnessmotivation #fedupfam #looseskin #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #extremeweightloss

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#facetofacefriday snapchat edition. If there's one thing I can recommend it's to take ALL the photos or videos at the beginning even if you hate them. Looking back I never realized just how heavy I was. I would lay on my back at night and some nights my chest was so heavy from all the weight I felt like it was choking me. There were nights I worried my size would cause me not to wake up the next day and that was a terrifying thought when i'd only lived 25 years. Having the reminder of how far you've come is way more motivating than a number of a scale ever could be. The scale will not always show your progress, but photos will show you the truth. Every step forward is a small change that adds up to big results. Start today! #fedup #fatgirlfedup #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fit #fitness #fattofit #obesetobeast #fedupfam #gym #plussize #throwback #snapchat #instafit #fitfam #fatloss #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #fitness #extremeweightloss #weightlosstransformation #exercise #diet #losingweight #motivation #fitnessmotivation

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The girl on the left knew the time would pass anyways. The girl on the left saw the mountain and knew day by day, pound by pound, step by step, she'd eventually reach the top. The girl on the left loved herself enough to put herself and health first after 25 years of taking care of everyone else. The girl on the left was strong enough to believe in herself when it felt like nobody else did. Never give up on your goals just because the time it will take to get there. Time will pass anyways & it's time to spend it living your best life. Start today! #weightloss #weightlossjourney #fit #fitfam #diet #losingweight #fitfam #dietbet #fatgirlfedupsdietbet #losingweight #diet #fattofit #obesetobeast #gym #lanebryant #plussize #effyourbeautystandards #extremeweightloss #transform #torrid #fatloss #fedup #fedupfam #weightlosstransformation #weightlossmotivation #anytimefitness #curlyhair #indiana

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