
No Instagram, mãe de trigêmeos conscientiza sobre saúde mental na maternidade

Série de fotos ‘Confissões de uma mãe ansiosa’ foi criada por mãe que lidou com depressão pós-parto

Desiree Fortin é uma mãe de trigêmeos que vive na Califórnia, Estados Unidos, que está lutando contra a ansiedade. Ao lidar com o problema, ela percebeu que pouco se fala sobre a saúde mental na maternidade, então resolveu criar uma série de fotos chamada “Confissões de uma mãe ansiosa” para mostrar para outras mulheres que elas não estão sozinhas.

“Eu sou uma grande apoiadora de abrir o coração e ser vulnerável. Eu gostaria de ter sentido isso quando eu estava em uma profunda depressão pós-parto”, disse Desiree ao ‘Good Morning America’. Durante a depressão, que a acometeu logo após o nascimento dos trigêmeos, ela disse que se sentiu “muito sozinha” e “envergonhada”.

Ela procurou um médico e começou a tomar remédios, até que, quando eles tinham um ano, se sentiu melhor e parou com os medicamentos. Até que sua filha, com dois anos, quase se afogou na piscina.

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Is it just me or does it feel like discipline is hard to talk about? There are a lot of opinions about discipline, which I think can often result in conflict and feelings of offense because maybe we do things differently. For me, in the season I am in, discipline has sucked me dry and has been one of the most exhausting parts of parenting. I think kids sometimes need to be disciplined differently, what may work for one doesn’t work for the other. Usually, Charlize will only need me to look at her while my boys will push every ounce of my being, stretching me thin. It is insanely challenging. I have been left feeling like I have no clue how to handle my kids and it only results in extreme anxiety. I have heard every single day this week “I don’t love you today.” My worth is not defined in the mean things my 3 year olds say to me, but the “I don’t love you’s” hurt. But discipline is also hard and our kids are never going to like being disciplined. Eventually, they will learn we discipline to help them grow, keep them safe, and teach them boundaries. For me, the struggle is having 3 kids the same age and me home most of the time by myself. And at this point I really feel like I need some helpful tools to reinforce good behavior. I feel humbled and humiliated all at the same time when I say, I need help. I need direction. I need wisdom. Ultimately, we are all working hard to raise good, loving, kind and respectful humans. And it is okay to talk about hard things. It’s okay to help each other even when our patenting styles are different. It’s okay to say “I don’t know what I’m doing.” It’s okay to ask for help. Today I will be having a conversation in my stories on discipline, and I would love for you to join me (even if we parent different, even if we discipline different). I hope more than anything talking about this will not be something that will bring offense to any of us because of how we handle discipline, but more so offer support, love, and advice because we all are seeking a common goal in raising good people. ❤️ • • Tee: @themomculture

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“Havia quatro adultos na piscina quando isso aconteceu”, disse ela. “Isso pode acontecer com qualquer um”, relembra. O incidente lhe causou uma grande ansiedade da qual ela nunca mais conseguiu se livrar. “Nós passamos por fases e desafios e nós não sabemos o que fazer. Eu espero, mais que tudo, que as pessoas que vejam isso, fiquem encorajadas e saibam que elas não estão sozinhas”, diz.

Na série de fotos, ela fala sobre tarefas diárias e desabafa sobre sentimentos. Em uma das publicações, ela comenta sobre a dificuldade de manter a disciplina. “Para mim, nesse momento, a disciplina tirou tudo de mim e tem sido a parte mais difícil da maternidade”, falou. Em outras, ela dá dicas de como se acalmar durante ataques de ansiedade.

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One of the best tools I have learned to help me cope with my anxiety is deep breathing. • Literally. • When I start to feel anxious I try and focus on my breathing and everything that is real around me. What am I touching? What can I smell? What do I see? I use these tools because typically when I’m starting to feel panicked or anxious my thoughts are usually running wild and I have hard time bringing them back to what is true. • Lately, my anxiety has been triggered by many things and I found that these tools have really made a difference in coping with my everyday struggles. • This Mom gig is the best thing in the world. However it also comes with some of the greatest challenges. It wasn’t until I became a Mom that I experienced the wrath of anxiety and depression. And I have learned the incredible value of recognizing it is there and knowing I will overcome. • Just Breathe Mama. And know you’re not the only one taking deep breaths to get through your day . • What do you do to help you get through really anxious moments? Shoes: @downeaststyle Striped sweater: @downeaststyle (shop my bio for the fall arrivals)❤️❤️?? Tee: @themomculture #downeaststylist #downeastbasics

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